LAUNCH IN A WEEK: ShowIt templates for health & fitness pros are coming soon!

The Go-To Wellness Pro Podcast

A podcast for business owners in health & wellness who want business, design, and tech tips. Tune in to our Go-To Wellness Pro Podcast to learn how to grow a thriving and profitable health business online. 

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I get it! The website design process can seem a little intimidating, from the outside looking in. But, it seriously, shouldn’t be at all! I want to show you how easy the process is to follow and also, go over a few things that tend to slow the design process down. That way, you know […]

August 9, 2017


What’s Best for Your Biz: A Premade Theme or a Custom Website?

July 18, 2017

As a website designer, this is a question that pops up in my inbox quite a bit. What’s right for me, a theme or a custom website? Unfortunately, there’s really no one right answer. It completely depends on your how long you’ve been in business, what your goals are and how you want your site […]

3 Ways to Incorporate the Power of Simplicity into your Website

July 12, 2017

When creating custom websites for my clients, I always incorporate simplicity into my design process. If your website has too much content and a bunch of busy graphics it is bound to confuse the person viewing it. They either won’t know what to do first or will be so turned off by the site that […]

7 Surefire Ways to Make Your Website More Effective

June 20, 2017

Believe me, I know that building a website is a lot of hard work.  Once you start designing, it can be tricky to choose what to focus on doing first. Or, maybe, you already have a website but are looking for ways to make it more effective so that it reaches the right people. Today, […]