A podcast for business owners in health & wellness who want business, design, and tech tips. Tune in to our Go-To Wellness Pro Podcast to learn how to grow a thriving and profitable health business online.
As a health + wellness pro I know you have a ton on your plate. And, If you’re going at this whole running a business thing alone its difficult to know if you’re doing things in the right order. This may surprise you but when it comes to design, a website shouldn’t be the top […]
We’ve all heard that the About Page is one of the most viewed pages on your site. It’s also one of those pages that we all generally set up once and then forget about. I challenge you to take a look at your About Page and see if it’s really up to date. While […]
Believe me, I know that building a website is a lot of hard work. Once you start designing, it can be tricky to choose what to focus on doing first. Or, maybe, you already have a website but are looking for ways to make it more effective so that it reaches the right people. Today, […]
Designing the perfect homepage is such a challenge if you aren’t sure what to include. Let’s take the mystery out of that, shall we? You only have about 3 seconds to capture a viewer’s attention so your homepage should only include relevant information and shouldn’t be cluttered with excess, unnecessary, info. Let’s take a look […]