LAUNCH IN A WEEK: ShowIt templates for health & fitness pros are coming soon!

The Go-To Wellness Pro Podcast

A podcast for business owners in health & wellness who want business, design, and tech tips. Tune in to our Go-To Wellness Pro Podcast to learn how to grow a thriving and profitable health business online. 

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As a health + wellness pro I know you have a ton on your plate. And, If you’re going at this whole running a business thing alone its difficult to know if you’re doing things in the right order. This may surprise you but when it comes to design, a website shouldn’t be the top […]

January 2, 2019


My Mindset Morning Routine for Running a Successful Wellness Business

November 6, 2018

These posts are so much fun! I love sharing my morning routines with you. I like to change up my morning quarterly or at least every 6 months or so, just to keep things interesting. But, I’ve found a really good rhythm that I’ve been sticking with recently. I also want to mention that this […]

3 Steps to Skyrocket Your Email List Growth as a Health + Wellness Expert

October 24, 2018

Growing an email list can seem very intimidating. Plus how do you get the right people to join your list? I mean, you don’t want everyone to join…just your ideal client. Right? The truth is, that it’s really easy to grow your list once you create something of value for your ideal client. It just […]

3 Ways to Increase Your Visibility as a Health + Wellness Expert

October 3, 2018

Do you want to be a booked out health + wellness pro? I thought so. Getting visible is a really big part of being seen online. Which makes sense because you’re pretty much invisible if you aren’t visible. Right? It all comes down to showing up consistently and serving your tribe. So let’s dive into […]